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Smart Tourist Destinations

Advantages and benefits of our solutions

  • Real-time information available through various channels: 1-Capacity monitor at accesses 2-Internet 3-mobile application

  • Historical data: obtaining behavioral patterns and generating predictive models

  • Influx prediction: it allows us to adjust the resources to that prediction, optimizing them and improving the services

  • Impact measurement: campaigns, meteorology, environmental events...

  • Most common routes: allows us to know the mobility patterns

  • Perception of security in spaces: public attraction

Obtain valuable information on tourist flows

Some of the benefits of people counting and people tracking systems  is that they allow access to a large amount of information about tourists and visitors; it is possible to know the number of visitors the city has , which areas are the most visited or try to divert the flow to other less crowded areas. In addition, we can also know when there is less influx , in order to create events or campaigns that attract a greater number of tourists , as well as what are the usual routes within the city and its surroundings.

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Archivos descargables

Know the influx and behavior of visitors

Receive capacity data in real time

Influx prediction: it allows us to adjust the resources to that prediction, optimizing them and improving the services

Access data on tourist influx

Free parking spaces

Establish influx forecasts in certain places

Santander City Council

Santander City Council

Smart Costa del Sol

Smart Costa del Sol

Lanzarote Smart City

Lanzarote Smart City

Gipuzkoa Provincial Council

Gipuzkoa Provincial Council

Vitoria - Gasteiz

Vitoria - Gasteiz

City Hall of Donostia - San Sebastian

City Hall of Donostia - San Sebastian

Succes Cases

Counting and tracking of people in tourist villages in Gipuzkoa

Influx and capacity control at the Chapel of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe

Flows of people in the Mosque-Cathedral and the Alcázar of Córdoba
