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Airports, Stations, Ports, Trains, Buses...

Advantages and benefits of our solutions

  • Detection of the number of people in queues: allows you to react quickly to an uncomfortable situation for the customer and put the necessary resources to correct it.

  • Historical data: obtaining behavioural patterns and generating predictive models.

  • Inflow prediction: this allows us to adjust resources to this prediction, optimising them and improving services.

  • Integration of inflow data with business data.

  • Real-time occupancy: guarantees the safety of the means of transport, avoiding risky situations.

  • Real-time information available through various channels: 1-Capacity monitor at the entrances. 2-Internet. 3-Mobile application.

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Bilbao Subway

Bilbao Subway



City Hall of Donostia - San Sebastian

City Hall of Donostia - San Sebastian