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Buildings and Exhibition Centres

Conference Centres, Exhibition Centres, Large Corporations, Banks....

Advantages and benefits of our solutions

  • Detection of the number of people in queues: this makes it possible to react quickly to an uncomfortable situation for the customer and to put the necessary resources in place to correct it.

  • Real-time affluence: measuring the impact of marketing campaings or any other action, comparing this new data with previous data.

  • Historical data: obtaining behavioural patterns and generating predective models.

  • Integration of inflow data with business data.

  • Capacity alarms, warning of approaching or exceeding capacity: reduces stress for security personnel, knowing that they will receive an alarm if a risk situation arises.

  • Repeat users and repeat frecuency: helps us to build customer loyalty.

  • Balanced distribution of traffic by times and establishments: with real-time information, the visitor can decide at which times and to which establishment to go, depending on occupancy --> Favourable experience.

  • Real-time information available through various channels: 1-Capacity monitor at the entrances. 2-Internet. 3-Mobile application.

One of the benefits of people counting and tracking systems is that they allow access to a large amount of information about visitors to the establishment; it is possible to know the number of visitors at the current time, which areas are the most visited or try to divert the flow to other less crowded areas. In addition, we can also know at what times of the year there is a lower influx, and create campaigns that attract a greater number of people; we can optimise our resources.

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Archivos descargables

Counting and Capacity Control Solutions for Buildings, Banks and Exhibition Venues


Banco Azteca

Banco Azteca







Museum of Human Evolution

Museum of Human Evolution

The city of arts and sciences

The city of arts and sciences

Sucess Stories

Measuring queues and time spent at Banco Azteca branches

People couting at the Sanctuary of San Ignacio de Loyola (Azpeitia-Gipuzkoa)

People counting and capacity control in different spaces of the Museum