Tracking, Routing and Permanence
Know routes, permanence and repetitive users
La Concha Beach. Donostia
Counting of people and bicycles in the Paseo de la Concha (San Sebastián)
See caseTracking, Routing and Permanence
DinyTRACK is an advanced solution for obtaining information on the routes of visitors in a given area, between two or more points in the controlled area and their travel times , grouping the percentage of people who travel between two or more points into time slots . With this information we obtain data on the most common routes , the least used and the time people spend on those trips, so that based on this time, we can obtain valuable information on the attraction of a certain area . This information is displayed in real timeand is recorded in the database for later consultation. It is accessed through the internet .
Through receivers, we detect the WIFI or Bluetooth signal of the mobile device, anonymously, simply by having this signal activated, without the need for any APP; we know how long they remain in the receiver"s coverage area, if they are repeat visitors and their frequency.
Advantages and benefits
Attraction of certain spaces by their number of visitors
Route travel times: low (passage route), medium (certain attraction, high (of interest)
Measurement of the impact of certain actions: promotions, campaigns, etc.
Resource planning: service improvement and cost optimization
Know the most common routes
Know repeat users and their frequency: behavior patterns
Influx prediction: improvement of service and optimization of resources
Knowing the time and number of people who come and stay in my defined spaces, we can measure the attractiveness of the area that we have delimited or we can adjust resources to avoid unnecessary waste (queues that are too long, long waiting times, inconvenience to users ) or to know the potential of the space and if what is shown to the visitor is attractive. (influx/sales ratios).
Dinycont in an open system, which allows us to exchange information with any other system; data can be exchanged through tables or data files with other systems and even integrate a communication protocol to perform this function.
The server can be connected to a BI (Business Intelligence) tool with which advanced reports can be generated and a comprehensive dashboard can be made available.
We can know the times of permanence in an area, the most common routes (several points of the route are defined in which the device must be detected) and the time spent on them.
Accessing the data, we can know the times of permanence in an area; It also shows us the repetitive users with their frequency of appearance.