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Information Totems Counting Bikes, Scooters and People

Sustainable Mobility

In recent years, the increase in bicycle trips has become a very representative method of mobility for cities. It is important that in order to continue promoting the idea that citizens use sustainable means of transport , it continues to be seen how its use is increasing, and that improvements and adaptations are being carried out in the streets by the Municipalities in response to this phenomenon.

Regarding the first aspect, Dinycon has developed a solution that allows the counting of pedestrians, bicycles and scooters both on sidewalks and in bike lanes. The information on the counts per day and accumulated is displayed in a very visible way on an information totem, in addition to having realtime access through the City Council"s website. The function of the totems is important, since it offers visibility in an urban environment with the purpose of attracting attention in a very attractive and forceful way, which allows pedestrians to continue encouraging mobility with clean methods.

Similarly, by gaining visibility on the patterns of use and flows of these spaces, city councils can justify the realization of new urban projects with bike lanes based on the evaluation of the evolution of these new trends over time. The idea is that eventually a greater adoption of the use of bicycles and a gradual transformation of urban environments will be achieved, achieving an improvement in the quality of life of citizens in a more sustainable environment.

We have extensive experience supplying, installing and managing bidirectional bicycle, skateboard and pedestrian counters. We have installed this solution in the Paseo de la Concha in San Sebastián, Calle Isabel la Católica in Valladolid and Sant Cugat del Valles .

Benefits of the Solution

  • "Totem" signs for information on access roads that indicate the flow of bikes, skateboards and people
  • They show in the middle of the street the information of the flows that is updated every few seconds
  • Direction flows are determined, and in what proportion one direction is distinguished against the other
  • Provides municipalities with valuable data on the traffic that occurs on the roads that are being measured
  • Both sides of the totem can be used to present different types of information
  • Municipalities can use it to generate an approach with passers-by and visitors to the city
  • The aesthetic design and the customization of colors, logos, serigraphs, etc. is carried out according to the requirements of each client.
  • Constructed of defined materials to resist weather conditions outdoors

Access to the data of the counting of people and bicycles installed in the Totem of Paseo de La Concha (Donostia-San Sebastián).

The information provided by the system allows us to better understand the use of these infrastructures and plan future actions in order to improve mobility in the city, encouraging the use of bicycles.

Luis Vélez - Councilor for Mobility of the Valladolid City Council


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