IoT Node
Data Capture Systems Solutions
The IoT Node is the initial link in the architecture for the deployment of data capture system solutions, particularly in
Smart City solutions, where the diversity of systems that integrate it means that this versatile element can cover the
majority of applications.
The IoT node has the ability to collect all types of signals, analogue and digital, memory and local processing that allows the extraction of raw and processed data, as well as the ability to send the information to different communication infrastructures, (3G/4G/NB IoT, Lora) and its low energy consumption.
Advantages and Benefits
Scalability: allows unlimited growth of modules in the solution.
Distributed intelligence: does not load processing on a single central server.
Adaptation to different communication environments: 3G/4G, NB IoT, Lora.
Software: integrated API, adaptation to different platforms (FIWARE).
Versatility, its architecture allows it to adapt easily and quickly to different functions.
Low power consumption, allowing long autonomy in environments where there is no power supply.