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How can a counting system help your corporate event?

The different counting and tracking systems can be really useful when it comes to controlling crowds and finding out a lot of information about a city, a car park, a shopping centre, or even a corporate event. As specialists in smart cities in Spain, we know how important a counting system can be for an event, in order to help achieve the best results.

How a counting system helps at an event

Thanks to the installation of a counting system in a corporate event, it is possible to know the occupancy of the event in real time, to know when the venue is about to reach the capacity limit, to warn security personnel when the capacity is exceeded, or to know the time distribution of the influx of attendees. In this way, this type of system makes it possible to better manage resources and achieve greater profitability at events.

All this in relation to people counting. However, it is also possible to monitor vehicles, with the aim of informing about free parking areas near the event, or to know the traffic prior to the start of the event, so that the organisers can anticipate possible crowds.

An example of recent success is the 53rd Basque Book and Record Fair, Durangoko Azoka. The organisers have installed a counting system, with sensors at all the entrances to the pavilion, in order to control the capacity of the venue and obtain information on the number of visitors. The event broke attendance records, and thanks to the alarm generated automatically by this system when 90% of the maximum capacity is reached, in this case 4,500 people (the maximum capacity was 5,000 people), it is possible to reinforce security measures, thus avoiding any possible risk situations that may arise.

At Dinycon we are specialists in people and vehicle tracking and counting systems, and we believe that you can make the most of them in any type of corporate event.