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Dinycon Sistemas guarantees the continuity of its services.

In view of the scenario generated by the COVID-19 epidemic and the declaration of the state of emergency, DINYCON SISTEMAS has planned its activity in order to guarantee full continuity of services to our customers.

We maintain a face-to-face service in our offices and have implemented initiatives such as teleworking for our entire team, as well as telematic meetings, which will guarantee the continuity of Dinycon Sistemas" services and activity.

We remain available to all of you through the following means:


Telephone: 943 216836

We will continue to handle incoming calls to our switchboard and team emails will remain fully operational, as will field maintenance support.

In order to maintain this operation in a standardised manner, and in all cases, Dinycon Sistemas will apply the specific protection measures established by the health authorities to promote the safety of its clients and the organisation"s personnel in cases where face-to-face contact is maintained.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this measure, which we hope will promote public health and a speedy return to business as usual.