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Lecture: Safe Beaches 2021 and Smart Parking with AI

On 3 June, the Smart Cities and Mobility conference organised by the Chamber of Commerce of Guipuzkoa, the Provincial Council of Guipuzkoa, the SPRI Group and the Basque Government will be held.

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Dinycon will participate in the 10.30am presentation to present the success story of the project we carried out last year in Santander in collaboration with Telefónica, where a deployment of the Capacity Control solution was carried out in eight of its most iconic beaches. The solution was very beneficial in combating the effects of the pandemic; it improved safety on the beaches, generated confidence among visitors, and facilitated the efficient management of the services provided by the tourism and beach areas of the City Council.

Un aspecto interesante es la influencia de las mareas, que condiciona el nivel de aforo permitido y que nuestro sistema calcula de manera automática. Utilizamos modelos predictivos que nos permiten anticipar el nivel de ocupación en base a una serie de parámetros, y esto nos permite informar con anticipación sobre los niveles de aforo con los que los visitantes se van a encontrar.

An interesting aspect is the influence of the tides, which conditions the level of capacity allowed and which our system calculates automatically. We use predictive models that allow us to anticipate the level of occupancy based on a series of parameters, and this allows us to inform in advance about the capacity levels that visitors will encounter.

Dinycon"s development of a modular, scalable and cloud-accessible platform has also enabled the inclusion of other useful functions for urban mobility management and smart public parking.

The conference will include other presentations on smart energy demand management, smart mobility and the most important challenges of mobility after the pandemic. To access the full programme click HERE